Coronavirus - How to Limit the Spread

Dear Neighbor,
As your local community pharmacy, we feel the need to let you know that we are here when you need us. As we find the coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading daily and the number of deaths increasing, we stand ready to share our expertise to help curb the looming crisis.
Today, nearly 100,000 cases of coronavirus have been reported worldwide. As of March 5th, the number of people who have been found to have coronavirus in the US has reached 210, and twelve people have died.
It is our intention and goal to do all we can to help lessen the possible impact of this virus on our community as a whole. Specifically, we are committed to helping those most vulnerable to the virus corona, which are people compromised by an underlying disease or age, or both.
We are already seeing a surge in the demand for personal protection equipment. Masks are currently unavailable from our 9 sources. However, we do have an order that should be in soon. The order consists of 500 N95 masks and we will limit sales per purchase.

Available items that may help prevent the spread of coronavirus are:
• Gloves
• Respiratory inhalers
• Antimicrobial soaps
• Flu vaccine
• Lab garb such as gowns & shoe covers
• Pneumonia vaccine
• Hand sanitizer in limited quantities
• Antivirals such as Tamiflu
Useful tips for coronavirus prevention
Our wellness teams at Dripping Springs Pharmacy and Lamar Plaza Drug Store in Austin recommend that patients enhance weakened immune systems with wellness products such as high doses of Vitamin C, along with Vitamin D, Zinc, and Magnesium.
We highly recommend taking precautionary steps prior to travel. These steps include taking Vitamin C and Viracid, the use of alcohol gel, frequent and thorough hand washing. In addition, we advise our customers to regularly check the CDC website, and make sure there isn't an outbreak at your destination.

We service our Long Term Care facilities such as Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities and MHMR Group Homes with daily delivery of prescriptions and supplements in adherence packaging. This same service applies to individual home residences, and there is no charge for the delivery.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus
Symptoms of coronavirus appear between 2-14 days after exposure. Common symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, and shortness of breath. People whose immune systems have been weakened may experience symptoms similar to those of pneumonia or bronchitis.
How Does Coronavirus Spread
Similar to flu and other respiratory illnesses, coronavirus spreads from one person to another in close proximity, through mucus or saliva. These bodily fluids are most commonly dispersed through the air by coughing or sneezing. People can also get infected by touching their faces after touching contaminated surfaces. Another important thing to keep in mind is that virus corona may live up to 9 days without a host.
How to Prevent Coronavirus From Spreading
We hope you will have a heightened awareness of the importance of good handwashing habits and wiping down frequently used surfaces such as doorknobs, phones, keyboards, desktop surfaces, and the like.

It is important that you keep your hands away from eyes, nose, and mouth. The virus enters our bodies this way. The Washington Post published that a 2015 study found that we touch our face an average of two dozen times an hour, and 44% of that touching involves contact with eyes, nose, or mouth.
Moreover, we advise you to avoid large crowds.
Protect yourself by making sure all your vaccines are up to date. Even though there are no shortages as of yet, it should be used as a measure of precaution.
If you have a temperature of 100.4F degrees or more, stay home. Remain home until you are fever-free for 24 hrs. Push fluids, practice good cough etiquette and limit your exposure to others.
Our pharmacies offer Flu and Strep testing kits that can help determine if you are suffering from the flu or strep rather than the COVID-19. Kits include a facetime visit with a doctor that can prescribe medication if you need it.
In case you have to visit a doctor, we suggest you wait in the car and ask the office to text you when it's your turn. This eliminates you from being exposed or exposing others in the office waiting area.
Another important thing is to educate your children. Everyone needs to do their part and kids love to be involved.

If you have questions or want to discuss any of this, please don’t hesitate to call one of our pharmacies and address your concerns.
Let's make sure we are all doing everything we can to stop the possible and probable spread of coronavirus.
Best of health,
Dorinda Martin, Pharm.D., RPh., FACA, FASCP