We each come with a set of lungs settled in the pleural cavity. Located on each side of the sternum and between the upper chest and the diaphragm, these cone-shaped spongy organs keep us alive. By allowing the outside air to enter our bodies and by eliminating toxic gases and by-products, they play an important part in oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.


The lungs are made up of lobes, lobules, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, and a pleural sac (covering). The upper part of the lungs is connected to our nasal cavities (pharynx) by way of the voice area (larynx) and trachea.


What is the Function of the Lungs?

Our lungs are both a digestive organ and an eliminative organ.


They are a digestive organ in the sense that we consume (via breath) vital elements, including oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon into the body to be used as catalysts, fuels, and the like.


Another lung function in the respiratory system is that they act as an eliminative organ, similar to colon, kidneys, and skin. As we inhale oxygen and other elements, they are exchanged through the alveoli into the pulmonary arterial capillaries of the lungs. The capillaries then send these elements through the heart and off into the entire system.


The by-products of these elements are carbon dioxide and other gases that act as a filter for all the toxins that we inhale. Dust, chemicals, gases, and other debris are eliminated through the lymphatic capillaries and vascular system. Alternatively, they are discharged by coughing and spitting the mucus.


Lung Problems

Diagnosing Lung Problems


Breathing and the lungs are how we bring the biggest factors of energy and oxidation into our bodies. Oxygen helps elements to convert into other elements or compounds. This transmutation is the true process of nature. Without oxygen, of course, we would die.


This is why it is important to identify symptoms of lung problems early on. The following signs of lung problems obviously indicate lung congestion, toxicity, and acidosis:


• Bronchitis and pneumonia;

• Asthma;

• Chronic coughing;

• Low endurance;


• Shortness of breath.

How to Strengthen the Lungs and Breathing

Exercises to Strengthen Lungs


There is a number of things we can do to prevent not only these symptoms but also various kinds of lung disease, chronic bronchitis, coughing up blood, and life-threatening lung cancer. Breathing exercises such as diaphragmatic breathing, belly breathing, and pursed lips breathing can increase lung capacity and help maintain the good health of blood vessels and different parts of the respiratory system.


Sometimes, exercise may not be enough, and we need a little extra help to promote our lung health. Premier Research Labs - PneumoVen provides broad-spectrum phytonutrients for unparalleled lung cleansing and support. Its benefits include:


• Helps purify the blood and promote optimal oxygen metabolism in our lungs;

• Provides adequate antioxidant protection;

• Helps efficient lung tissue building by balancing the body’s enzyme and protein systems;

• Supports the capacity of blood to carry oxygen to the lungs;

• Improves lung capacity to process air pollutants.


If you have any questions or concerns, come see us at the Dripping Springs Pharmacy, and speak with one of our experienced and knowledgeable Wellness consultants. We take pride in helping you reach all of your wellness goals.


All the best,
Edwin Dossman