I am seeing amazing results with Ortho Molecular’s new product Bergamot BPF. WOW! A clinical study, published in the International Journal of Cardiology, 2013;170:140-145 showed:

Baseline total cholesterol at 278, -- After 6 week of 2 capsules daily – total Cholesterol decreased to 191, LDL (bad cholesterol) at 191, -- decreased to 113, HDL (good Cholesterol) at 38 -- increased to 45, and Triglycerides at 238 -- decreased to 165.

Another study on small LDL dense particles and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with metabolic syndrome, published in Advances in Biological Chemistry, 2014;4:129 showed:

Baseline total cholesterol at 245, -- After 4 months of 2 capsules daily -- total Cholesterol decreased to 191, LDL at 162, -- LDL decreased to 101, HDL at 38 -- HDL increased to 49, and Triglycerides at 232 -- decreased to 160

I have my brother and several of my clients now taking Bergamot BPF and reporting amazing results. My brother’s doctor said with a smile on her face, this week, “I don’t know what you’re doing but whatever it is keep doing it.”