Prescriptions Refill Transfer


GOAL: To make the broadest spectrum, most deeply effective, and highest ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) antioxidant product currently possible (both water AND fat soluble) with benefits far beyond ORAC, at the vest possible value, PERIOD. Free radicals wage a crushing war on your DNA, contributing to virtually every disease, degenerative, and aging process known. It's time to stop them. It's time to fight back! So many products tout benefits, but simply do NOT contain the correct botanicals and quantities of them to be effective
GOAL: To make the broadest spectrum, most deeply effective, and highest ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) antioxidant product currently possible (both water AND fat soluble) with benefits far beyond ORAC, at the vest possible value, PERIOD. Free radicals wage a crushing war on your DNA, contributing to virtually every disease, degenerative, and aging process known. It's time to stop them. It's time to fight back! So many products tout benefits, but simply do NOT contain the correct botanicals and quantities of them to be effective
© 2023 Martin's Wellness