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FLEXPET 60 CHEWABLES - Flexcin International

CM8 is a patented compound in this breakthrough all-natural fomulation that is clinically proven to promote optimal joint health in your dog, cat, or any other pet. The combinations of ingredients in Flexpet with CM8 are especially designed to nourish the joints, support stronger cartilage, help stimulate the lubricating fluid in the joints, and increase total mobility.


FlexPet CM8 is a patented compound in this breakthrough all-natural formulation. It is clinically proven to promote optimal joint health in your dog, cat, or any other pet. Joint pain & arthritis is a very common condition in dogs and cats, and it is a sad and debilitating condition. Joint pain affects one in five of these pets. It shows its presence in the form of painful joint inflammation. Aches and pain caused by it reduce your dog or cat’s enjoyment of life and therefore wear out our enjoyment of their company.

Ingredient combination in FlexPet with CM8 is specially designed to nourish the joints, support stronger cartilage, help stimulate the lubricating fluid in the joints, and increase total mobility. FlexPet comes in the form of chewable tablets that both dogs and cats just love.

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