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Supports healthy bones and joints while reducing the risk of osteoporosis† with plant-sourced, whole-food Calcium. Calcium needs Vitamin K2 as a guide.


Bone Strength Take Care™ Slim Tablets

Supports healthy bones and joints while reducing the risk of osteoporosis† with plant-sourced, whole-food Calcium. Calcium needs Vitamin K2 as a guide.

Did you know many calcium supplements are derived from chalk or limestone—rocks? Simple, rock-based calcium has a flat, basic architecture and lacks many other bone-supportive nutrients. But New Chapter’s Bone Strength Take Care is different, formulated with a whole-food plant source that is rich in available Calcium, along with Magnesium and 70+ trace minerals. We add fermented Vitamin D3 for absorption and Vitamin K2 to direct Calcium to bones where you need it.

Bone Strength Take Care can even help reduce the risk of osteoporosis

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