There are 5 essential supplements that are your lifeline when it comes to feeling better and having more energy. These supplements are also crucial for giving you that little extra support to prevent you from getting the cold that all your coworkers keep passing around.


Do you eat healthy at every meal? Do you get enough sunlight exposure? Do you only eat food that comes from organic and mineralized soils? It’s unlikely that we do all of these things on a regular basis.


Many years of living a normal life can slowly build up a pile of deficiencies and inflammation. Eventually, this may lead to the train wreck that is the disease. One way to prevent this from happening is to take the right supplements for our bodies.


The perfect foundation of any supplement regimen usually consists of multivitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, magnesium, and vitamin D. These are the absolute basics for a healthy start along with a diet full of greens, fruits, and vegetables.


Multivitamin Supplements

Multivitamin supplements cover the basic vitamins and minerals that may be missing from your diet.


I suggest ONE Multivitamin by Pure Encapsulations because, true to its word, one capsule is enough to meet the requirements. It is loaded with methylated B vitamins for energy and genetic support. It also contains CoQ10 for cellular energy and antioxidants for eye support.



O.N.E. by Pure Encapsulations

O.N.E. by Pure Encapsulations





Omega-3 Supplements

Your omega-3 will fight inflammation and help with brain and heart health. It is certain that Americans do not get enough of this essential nutrient and often eat too many hydrogenated oils and inflammatory foods instead. It’s a good idea to add some omega-3 supplements to combat poor diet and inflammation.


Ultimate Omega by Nordic Naturals is my favorite choice for a beginner’s omega. Your joints will thank you as well.



Ultimate Omega by Nordic Naturals

Ultimate Omega by Nordic Naturals






A probiotic will protect your gastrointestinal tract from the overgrowth of bad bacteria and improve immunity, digestion, and mood. Hidden infections in the gut can cause extreme fatigue, digestive issues, and immune problems. Most of us have been exposed to one pathogen or another.


Simply eating unwashed produce can expose you to harmful bacteria. If your intestines aren’t prepared with the proper “armor” (good bacteria) along with strong stomach acid, you don’t stand a chance against the bad bugs.


One of my go-to probiotics is OrthoBiotic by OrthoMolecular. Taking it preventatively as well as after an antibiotic regimen will help get your gut back on track.



Ortho Biotic Probiotic by Ortho Molecular

Ortho Biotic Probiotic by Ortho Molecular





Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium is one of those minerals that you hear about everywhere now, from research studies to magazines and maybe even your doctor. It sure is popular, and with good reason.


Magnesium is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in your body. These processes include energy creation, muscle movement, gene formation, and nervous system regulation. Magnesium fights depression, helps with sleep, lowers blood pressure, and acts as an anti-inflammatory.


Need I say more? If you have trouble with regular bowel movements, magnesium citrate, in particular, can help stimulate regularity and is well known for this fact. My personal choice is Magnesium Glycinate by Pure Encapsulations.



Magnesium (glycinate) by Pure Encapsulations

Magnesium (glycinate) by Pure Encapsulations





Vitamin D Supplements

Enjoying the sunshine and synthesizing vitamin D


Vitamin D is your sunshine vitamin. Most people know that vitamin D plays an important role in regulating calcium and therefore, bone density. What most people don’t know is that vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in cancer, heart disease, Hashimoto’s, and Crohn’s disease.


It plays an important role in your immune system and has proven to reduce your likelihood of catching the flu. If you don’t get enough sunlight exposure, you don’t eat enough fatty salmon, or if you have a genetic predisposition to Vitamin D receptor issues, you may want to add Vitamin D to your arsenal.


Stay healthy! Stay alive! Keep your energy and well-being onboard with these five essentials every day and feel the difference in your step.


Best in Health,
Lauren Meyer CNS, MS